Greetings Staff,

FFF #44

Here is the agenda (and agenda notes, if the meeting has occurred) for the Staff: 2nd Meeting occurring/occurred on 2014-09-03 for the FFF #44 event.


Greetings and welcome

Next meeting date announcement (2014-10-01)

Tech update/testing


Notes from previous meeting adjusted as follows:

¥   Vending Division Head will be shared by Amanda and Dyanne

¥   Leah and Amanda will be liaising with Amazing together

¥   Community tables will be complimentary


Reports/action items:

1. Ads/Promotions - Amanda and Leah (with Dyanne) will be laisoning with Amazing for their promotions. Leah is reaching out to new companies to advertise with us (program book, posters, signage, banners at the flea, website adverts, social media app). Other events to advertise FFF - Kinky Con, MoB, TES, The Society. Choice is interested in sponsoring us. NHOT, Rope group by Twitch and Derek, Rose and Thorn in VT., Jeff Mach events. Leah coordinating (Iya offered to assist if helpful). Prides - VT & CT. Postcards will be sent to Dan by Rob (the old FFF cards as new ones wonÕt be ready yet). Reviewed that no vulgar or nudities on posters in the elevators or hallways on site.


Sponsors (1st) and then Vendors will be offered programming sponsor opportunities (as approved by Programming team/Presenter).

Call for presenters is open - if anyone knows of anyone, please refer!


2. Con Chair -

3. Evening Events - no one present, tabled for now.


4. Hotel - Late check out possibility and time will be confirmed by Jack for Sunday for the vending bedrooms. If vendors would like to stay any additional nights in the hotel beyond Friday and Saturday they need to register and pre-pay their room costs directly to NELA.

The programming numbers of available rooms at the hotels will be confirmed by Percy, likely to decrease by two.


5. Programming - Phyllis has taken a job in VT and will less available for in person meetings. Percy will step in to organize meetings as needed.


6. Program Book - Our Program Designer has been working with Agent Smith and Phyllis to obtain previous programming book files. Will connect with PetTigress to get the files he needs. Our Program Designer requests all vendor and programming communications happen through NELA liaisons and then are to be no direct communications with him. The Program Designer will work directly with Rob to coordinate time frames and artwork themes.


Hard stop date for program book information is December 15th.

Rob will clarify the hard stop date to go to the printer.

Rob has two artists who have volunteered to contribute art for the program book. Program designer will coordinate with Rob


7. Publications - FFF Postcards have been sent to printer and will be available shortly. There are two ads being placed in the Wicked Women program book - one for the FFF and one for the Tickle Intensive. Rob and Iya to provide the files for the ads. Postcards for both events will also be distributed at Wicked Women.


8. Registration - Leah proposes consideration for Turtle Hill Events to handle our registration. They charge $6/head but they may cut us a deal.


9. Safety - Jack will be reaching out to Jerry re: security detail. No objection was expressed by those present at the meeting, however a recommendation was made to confer with Maggie for her opinion.


10. Vending - more social media posting scheduled. 60 vendors have applied to date. The email confirmations have been glitching a bit, but Amanda is working around that. Request to confirm vending hours. Last year they were 10:30-11 am for NELA associates, 11 - 6 pm for public, on Sunday vending hours ended at 4 pm.


Amanda proposes being open 10 - 10:30 for NELA associates and go to 6 pm Saturday and 4 pm on Sunday.

Discussed going later on Saturday night, pending conflict with evening event space, and also being open on Friday night. Decided to extend vending hours to start Saturday 10 am to 6.30 pm, with 30 minutes from 10 -10:30 for NELA associates, and on Sunday 10 am to 4 pm, with 30 minutes from 10 -10:30 for NELA associates.


Amanda wanted to double check load-in hours which will be the same as last year. The provided load in is 10 am - 8 pm Friday.


Amanda checked to see if there are Vendor welcome letters/packets in Zambia, Percy stated that these have not been generated through Zambia. Amanda will try to get past copies to create in Zambia.


Percy confirmed that the vendor meeting would occur in the Grand Ballroom and not in one of the programming rooms.


Rob is checking on cost for vendor signs as were made last year.


11. Volunteers - Iya to set up the volunteer play party at Choice in consultation with Jack. A doodle will be set up for March/April and sent to the Flea mail list.


12. Any others - none


Time Table update (Get them into Zambia, please, folks!):

Volunteers -none

Safety –none

BEOs Due –none

Announce Cards - 

Ad Campaign – FetLife ad campaign, 3 months out from event. Amanda to handle logistics/Leah to provide content/ads.

Promotions Reachout Schedule - ASAP (Percy)

ACOS contact - Jack to coordinate for community table application to get on the map, will use Room 101

Police Detail - no change

Call for Presenters - open, no change in Zambia

Call for Presenter Vols - hasnÕt opened yet, no change in Zambia

Programming team meetings start - start next week

Vendor team meetings start - have had two meetings, request to put notes/schedules in Zambia

Publication book - Hard date for content to Designer is Dec 15th


Approving the pricing structure for FFF ads - presented by Leah, details to follow separately.

Sponsorship levels - presented by Leah, details to follow separately

Zambia usage - please use it

Mobile software - Leah and Iya to create a PRO/CON list to share one week prior to next meeting

Space Allocation discussion -RKO will in Rotunda on Friday night

Parties - tabled

Special Announcements - none

New Business – none

Adjournment - 9:35 pm